Motion Base Flight Simulator

At the weekend I attended a course along with 7 other Royal Air Force Air Cadets (RAFAC) staff & Young adults to become basic flight simulator instructors. We had 2 uniformed train the trainers officers deliver the training to the 5 staff members who were mostly private pilots with a variety of expereince levels from …

Track Maintenance

Though winds were far too strong for gliding, conditions for track maintenance were considered good. At last the gravel track has dried out and attention could be given to filling the more significant holes. Five members of the regular team off loaded four trailer loads of planings during the day. Another date will be found …

Last flight of the day

At the end of a long hot summer day flying the call the Launch Marshall and winch driver are waiting to her is this. “Gransden Lodge, K21 Kilo Foxtrot Yankee, landing long on 04, gear is fixed.” as it means it’s the last flight of the day and the glider will land much further down …

Tent city springs up!

Taken during the Junior Nationals last year here’s a great shot showing the campsite full of competitors tents. The Cambridge Gliding Centre is incredibly lucky to have a large amount of space to accommodate even the largest events. There’s bunk rooms and showers on site, plenty of space for parking cars, trailers and rigged gliders. …

New Launch Point Bus

After many years of service the old launch point bus has reached the end of the road, so a small team of volunteers were tasked with finding a replacement, and after couple of months of searching, they found an excellent new vehicle for the club. It’s a 3 litre Iveco, with space for 20 seats, …