Getting to the club

Once you’ve arrived at the main gate on the B1046, there’s still over a mile of farm track and then the old airfield perimiter road to navigate before arriving at the clubhouse. Please follow this route as it ensures you won’t come into conflict with landing or launching gliders, but do also keep a good …

Bronze Badge exam preparation

Exam Structure The Bronze exam has 10 sections, each with 12 multiple-choice questions (for a total of 120 questions): For a detailed list of the sub-topics in each section, see pages 49 & 50 of “Part FCL for Glider Pilots”, available here: The pass mark is 75% in each section (i.e. 9 correct answers to …

Tracking your flights

Keeping track of your progress learning to fly can be more than just keeping your logbook up to date, there’s a range of navigation and tracking software that glider pilots can use to create a digital record of each flight. All you need is a smart phone with GPS. As long as you can run …

RAF Air Cadets on Cambridge Gliding Club’s Flight Simulator

Ten No 1 Sector RAF Air cadets visited Cambridge Gliding Club at Gransden Lodge Airfield the last year on the Evening of 12th Sep. They took part in STEM activities around how lift works on an aircraft wing, looked at the gliders in the hangar, listened to instructors talk about civilian gliding and best of …

Heavy Snow in Bedfordshire

Winter flying offers a unique and enjoyable experience, with crisp, clear days providing excellent visibility, especially when the sun makes an appearance. While it’s important to bundle up for the cold, the cockpit can become surprisingly warm under clear blue skies. Winter is also an ideal time to learn to fly or prepare for the …

CGC and the Blustery Day

I turned up at the airfield on a day when flying did not seem likely. The forecast had not seemed promising the previous evening and the actual weather on the drive up to Gransden Lodge airfield seem to bear this out. I looked at the windsock at Duxford aerodrome as I drove past it in …