The Cloud Rally

The Cloud Rally at Cambridge Gliding Centre is an annual event that brings together gliding enthusiasts for a week of soaring, socializing, and friendly competition. Held in the picturesque setting of the Cambridgeshire countryside, the rally features various gliding activities, including cross-country flying, tasks for both experienced and novice pilots, and opportunities to learn from …

Schleicher ASK 21 / K21 Glider

Discover the K21 Glider at Cambridge Gliding Centre If you’ve ever dreamed of flying without the noise of an engine, soaring quietly through the sky, the Schleicher ASK 21 (K21) glider offers the perfect introduction. At Cambridge Gliding Centre, the K21 is a staple for both training new pilots and giving flight experiences to visitors. …

A few aerotow launches on a very hot afternoon

On a bright, sunny day at Cambridge Gliding Centre, the club’s Robin DR400 tug aircraft smoothly executed several aerotow launches. One by one, gliders were hooked up and towed into the clear blue sky, the powerful Robin pulling them effortlessly over the grassy airfield. As the gliders climbed higher, they were released at altitude to …

Look at Life Vol 01 Transport Sailing the Sky 1959

Comments from Andrew Hulme: “I have a vague recollection that the filming was somehow organised by Alex,but why I am not sure, given his occupation as a barrister for HMRC andgiven I was only 14 or so at the time. The winch was the Brute, (ex military Canadian Ford) . Note the Cambridgeregistration JER 188 …


The video displays a glider circling within a thermal, accompanied by the sound emitted by the electronic variometer, or vario. The pitch of this sound alters to signal whether the glider is ascending or descending in the air, enabling the pilot to focus on flying without needing to glance at the instruments. Two variometers are …

Aerotow for City University

City University from London has established a tradition of bringing its engineering students with a keen interest in aviation to CGC, offering them a unique opportunity to engage in firsthand airborne data collection. Despite the harsh winter weather taking its toll on the grass runways, rendering them waterlogged and dotted with puddles, today marked a …

Inter-Club League

The Inter-Club League is a friendly competition among small number of nearby clubs (in our case: Gransden, The Gliding Centre – Husbands Bosworth and London Gliding Club – Dunstable). It is distributed over several weekends during the summer. Any member cleared for cross-country flying is eligible to join our teams. We can have up to 3 pilots …

Evening Flying

When the days grow longer and the clocks go forward, an intrepid band of volunteer crew and instructors come together to offer flying lessons for our members on Tuesday evenings. Evening gliding is an amazing experience! Starting at 6pm and running till sunset, these evening lessons are excellent for those building up experience in the …